cagliari calcio artinya
- cagliari calcio
- cagliari: cagliari; itali; italia
- cagliari calcio managers: pelatih cagliari calcio
- cagliari calcio players: pemain cagliari calcio
- It is best known for having been the home of Cagliari Calcio.
Stadion ini pernah menjadi tempat kandang tim Cagliari Calcio. - Cagliari Calcio president Massimo Cellino had plans to build a new stadium for the football team to play in, however the council and mayor Emilio Floris refused to give consent for the project to go ahead, despite the fact that Cellino was willing to finance the new stadium himself.
Presiden Cagliari Calcio, Massimo Cellino pernah memiliki rencana untuk membangun stadion baru sebagai kandang timnya, namun anggota dewan dan wali kota, Emilio Floris menolak untuk memberikan persetujuan atas proyek tersebut, meskipun Cellino bersedia untuk membiayai sendiri pembangunan tersebut.